Thursday 30 April 2015

Hybrid dan Fusion SSD Harddisk untuk Macbook

Perbedaan antara Hybird dan Fusion SSD Harddisk adalah Hybird SSD dipakai sebagai cachenya sedangkan Fusion SSd di anggap sebagai Memory sendiri dan mengunakan Intel Smart Response jadi kalau data besar maka Fusion SSD akan menang apalagi kalau di pakai di Macbook OS dimana Apple mempunyai Core Storage Technology khusus untuk mengatur dan mengingat Data di SSD membuat Fusion pilihan terbaik untuk iMac, Macbook, Mac mini dan Mac Pro.

Dari hasil Testing kami Macbook pro i5 dengan hardisk 750GB 5400RPM untuk install LION OS perlu 75 Menit dan 500GB Momentus XT hybrid perlu 40 Menit sedangkan 180GB SSD intel dan 750GB harddisk lama dia kita Fusion SSD Hardisk configurasi sendiri hanya butuh 35 Menit selesai :) Kami merecommendasikan untuk memakai Fusion SSD Harddisk di iMac, Macbook, Mac mini dan Mac Pro.

Cara membuat Fusion SSD Harddisk untuk iMac, Macbook, Mac mini dan Mac Pro DIY sendiri:

1. Install satu SSD dan Harddisk 2.5" biasa di iMac, Macbook, Mac mini dan Mac Pro, Data di Dua2 SSd dan HDD akan hilang! kalau ada yg penting silahkan di backup dulu

2. Power on Mac buka Applications/Utilities/ type: diskutil list kalau harddisk lama tidak punya Mac OS maka pakai bootable Usb Mac Os masuk ke Disk Utility/Command-line/ di sini SSD Disk0 dan HDD biasa Disk1.

3. Di Command terminal type: diskutil cs create drivename driveIDs setelah CoreStorage operation selesai type: diskutil cs list.

4. Copy Logical Volume Group dan Free Space, di Command Terminal, type: "diskutil cs createVolume groupString jhfs+ volumeName size" dimana volumeName = nama Fusion SSD terserah mau apa, kalau saya pakai "Mac Fusion" dan size = size gabungan SSD dan Harddisk di example ini "1.1t"

5. install Mac OS seperti biasa karena dia akan membaca Fusion SSD Harddisk ini sebagai satu Disk

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8 Langkah Mudah Gunakan Portable Scanner

Untuk Anda seorang eksekutif, karyawan, atau mahasiswa dan pelajar, yang kadang perlu memindai dokumen, majalah, ataupun buku-buku tebal, tentunya Anda merasa kerepotan jika harus meletakan dan mengaturnya di scanner flatbed biasa. Scanner jenis inipun dapat dikatakan kurang praktis karena tidak dapat dibawa kemana saja. Kini Anda tak perlu repot lagi karena portable scanner sudah dapat menunjang kegiatan Anda. Melanjutkan pembahasan kami mengenai portable scanner, diantaranya 7 Alasan Kenapa Anda Harus Menggunakan Scanner Portable, Tips Memilih Portable Scanner Terbaik, dan Portable Scanner MagicScan kini hadir di, kali ini akan memberikan tips bagaimana cara menggunakan portable scanner, yang baik dan benar.

1. Pasang baterai, biasanya tempat untuk memasang baterai ada di bagian bawah scanner.

2. Tekan dan tahan tombol Power / Scan selama beberapa detik untuk mengaktifkan scanner. Masukkan kartu microSD ke dalam slot di sisi scanner. Tips : Jangan lupa ‘kunci’ kartu microSD Anda, dan pastikan Anda mendengar bunyi ‘klik’.

3. Jika Anda ingin menghapus semua data (format) yang ada pada memori Anda, Anda hanya perlu menekan tombol Format. Tips : tombol ini sangat kecil, gunakan ujung pensil atau ujung klip kertas untuk menekannya. Lalu tahan hingga layar scanner menampilkan huruf ‘F’, selanjutnya tekan tombol Power / Scan. Ketika indikator microSD pada layar LCD berhenti berkedip, memori Anda siap untuk digunakan.

4. Atur tanggal dan waktu sehingga file yang Anda scan akan menunjukkan data waktu yang akurat. Tekan tombol Set Time dengan ujung pensil atau klip kertas. Tombol ini berada pada sisi scanner, tepat di atas port USB. Gunakan tombol JPG / PDF di samping tombol Resolution untuk memilih tahun, bulan, tanggal, jam dan menit secara berurutan. Gunakan tombol Power / Scan untuk mengkonfirmasi setiap entry. Ketika Anda telah menyelesaikan pengaturan waktu, tekan kembali tombol Set Time.

5. Tekan tombol Resolution di bagian atas untuk memilih resolusi yang diinginkan. Resolusi yang Anda pilih akan tampil pada layar LCD. Untuk resolusi tinggi 900 pixel per inci, medium 600 pixel per inci dan rendah 300 pixel per inci.

6. Tempatkan dokumen Anda pada permukaan yang datar dan ‘keras’. Atur scanner di atas dokumen Anda dengan posisi layar LCD di atas. Pastikan dokumen Anda terletak di antara penanda lebar pada scanner.

7. Letakkan satu tangan pada dokumen sehingga Anda dapat menahannya agar tidak bergeser. Tekan Power / Scan tombol untuk memulai scan. Geser pemindai perlahan dan merata. Ketika Anda mencapai ujung dokumen, tekan kembali tombol Power / Scan untuk menghentikan pemindaian.

8. Pasang kabel USB ke port USB yang ada di sisi scanner. Kartu microSD Anda akan muncul sebagai removable disk, sama seperti jika Anda memasang flash drive. Untuk menyalin hasil scan ke hard drive atau melihatnya dari kartu memori, klik pada Open Folder to View Files pada komputer Anda.

Sangat mudah untuk digunakan bukan? Tinggalkan scanner lama Anda, dan beralihlah ke portable scanner sekarang juga.
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Pengertian Serta Rumus Kalimat Passive Voice

Pengertian Serta Rumus Kalimat Passive Voice – Pernah dengar tentang passive voice? Passive voice adalah salah satu kaidah atau aturan yang digunakan dalam berbahasa Inggris. Kali ini kita akan mengenal definisi, aturan dan beragam contoh kalimat passive voice :

Definisi passive voice

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, passive voice bisa diartikan sebagai kalimat pasif yang membuat subyek kalimat tidak membuat aksi melainkan menjadi penerima aksi. Contohnya, bila dalam kalimat aktif kita membuat kalimat berupa “ibu menggoreng ikan”, maka dalam kalimat pasif kita bisa mengubahnya menjadi kalimat “ikan digoreng ibu”. Hal yang sama juga akan kita lakukan bila membuat passive voice dalam aturan bahasa Inggris.

Rumus dasar passive voice

Untuk membuat passive voice, rumus dasar yang harus kita gunakan adalah

subject + auxiliary verb + verb 3.

Auxiliary verb yang akan kita gunakan untuk membuat passive voice bisa berupa primary auxiliary verb (is, am, are, were, was, be, been dan being) atau bisa juga berupa kombinasi antara 2 primary (will be, have been dan perpaduan primary lainnya).

Selain harus menggunakan auxiliary verb, passive voice juga hanya bisa dibuat bila kalimatnya menggunakan kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang bisa menggunakan obyek). Contoh kata kerja transitif misalnya membaca, membuang, memasak, membeli dan merobek.

Membuat passive voice dengan tenses

Agar kita bisa mempelajari passive voice yang diaplikasikan langsung dengan penggunaan tenses, maka kita harus menyimak informasi mengenai rumus passive voice dalam 16 tenses berikut ini :
NoTensesActive Voice (contoh kalimat)Passive Voice (contoh kalimat)
1Simple Present TenseS + V1 + OS + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O
My mother always cleans the floor every morning.The floor is always cleaned by my mother every morning
2Present Continuous TenseS + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + OS + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
They are making a rainbow cake now.A rainbow cake is being made by them now
3Present Perfect TenseS + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + OS + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
The manager has interviewed some candidatesSome candidates have been interviewed by the manager.
4Present Perfect Continuous TenseS + have/has + been + V1-ing + OS + have/has + been + being + V3 + by + O
Many people have been speaking EnglishEnglish has been being spoken by many people
5Simple Past TenseS + V2 + OS + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O
Fadhila watched the movie in the theatre last night.The movie was watched by Fadhila in the theatre last night.
6Past Continuous TenseS + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + OS + to be (was, were) + being + V3 + by + O
She was buying some books last night.Some books were being bought by her last night.
7Past Perfect TenseS + had not + V3 + OS + had + been + V3 + by + O
Carroll had made a good decision to leave Liverpool.A good decision had been made by Carroll to leave Liverpool.
8Past Perfect Continuous TenseS + had + been + V1-ing + OS + had + been + being + V3 + by + O
She had been watering this plant.This plant had been being watered by her.
9Simple Future TenseS + will not + V1 + OS + will be + V3 + by + O
The farmers are going to harvest the crops next weekThe crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.
10Future Continuous TenseS + will + be + V1-ing + OS + will + be + being + V3 + by + O
He will be meeting them.They will be being met by him.
11Future Perfect TenseS + will + have + V3 + OS + will + have + been + V3 + by + O
She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.
12Future Perfect Continuous TenseS + will + have + been + V1-ing + OS + will + have + been + V1-ing + O
She will have been watering this plant.This plant will have been being watered by her.
13Past Future TenseS + would +  V1 + OS + would + be + V3 + by + O
We would buy a dictionaryA dictionary would be bought by us
14Past Future Continuous TenseS + would + be + V1-ing + OS + would + be + being + V3 + by + O
She would be listening to the music when the phone rangThe music would be being listened by her when the phone rang
15Past Future Perfect TenseS + would + have + V3 + OS + would + have + been + V3 + by + O
Many people would have spoken EnglishEnglish would have been spoken by many people
16Past Future Perfect Continuous TenseS + would + have + been + V1-ing + OS + would + have + been +being + V3 + by + O
He would be meeting them.They would be being met by him.
Pengecualian pada beberapa kata kerja transitif

Beberapa kata kerja transitif dalam bahasa Inggris ternyata tidak bisa diubah ke dalam bentukpassive voice lho. Kata kerja transitif seperti have, look, like, become, mean dan beberapa kata kerja transitif lainnya akan terasa aneh bila diubah ke dalam bentuk passive voice. Misalnya :

The candy contains aspartame.

tidak dapat dipasifkan menjadi : Aspartame is contained by the candy.

Jadi, kita harus lebih teliti menggunakan kata kerja transitif sebelum mengubahnya ke bentuk passive voice. Nah, sekarang kita pasti lebih memahami aturan penggunaan passive voice dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika kita berhasil menguasai aturan active voice dan passive voice, belajar bahasa Inggris diharapkan akan terasa makin mudah dan menyenangkan. Selamat belajar bahasa Inggris !


iOS 8.4 Beta: 5 Things iPhone & iPad Users Need to Know

Earlier this week, Apple released a brand new iOS 8.4 beta. Unlike the first version, Apple’s second iOS 8.4 beta update opened the beta process up to the public for testing ahead of its public release. With a public beta now available, we want to take a look at five things you need to know about Apple’s iOS 8.4 beta for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

In March, Apple released a substantial iOS 8 upgrade in the form of iOS 8.3. iOS 8.3 is a massive update that brings a slew of bug fixes for iOS 8 problems while also delivering some new features including new emojis and a new emoji keyboard. Shortly after the arrival of iOS 8.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, Apple released another iOS 8 update, an update that’s called iOS 8.4.

The iOS 8.4 update had been rumored for several months though the rumors also suggested that the update and its features could be rolled into the company’s upcoming iOS 9 update. Apple confirmed the iOS 8.4 release a few weeks ago with an arrival in its beta program for developers. iOS 8.4 beta 1 was private though we suspected that Apple would, at some point, release a public iOS 8.4 beta.

Earlier this week, Apple made another big move with another iOS 8.4 beta release. With an iOS 8.4 beta in the headlines, we want to take a look at what we think iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users need to know about Apple’s iOS 8.4 beta for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch fifth-generation.

Public iOS 8.4 Beta

Just in case you missed it, here’s a reminder. The iOS 8.4 beta is now open to everyone, not just developers. What this means is that if you are using a device that’s powered by iOS 8, and you just so happen to be in the public beta program, you can install the iOS 8.3 beta right now.

If you’re registered in the beta program, we’ve put together a detailed step-by-step process that outlines what you’ll need to get started. Apple’s website will also fill in a few of the blanks. Be sure you read these instructions and Apple’s information if you haven’t done this before. This software is not official yet and it’s not going to be for everyone.

iOS 8.4 Beta 2 Update

Right now, we’re on the second iOS 8.4 beta also known as iOS 8.4 beta 2. The update is a little more refined than the first iOS 8.4 beta though there are still some problems with the software.

iOS 8.4 beta users on MacRumors’ forums have outlined the iOS 8.4 beta 2 update in detail. They’ve flagged a few changes:

  • The description space under Featured Stations in iTunes Radio is now color-matched to the station color & art image.
  • Music videos now play as videos where album art usually is in the music app.

The update also comes with a number of bug fixes though it appears that the software has added some problems of its own. This is precisely how you can expect the rest of the iOS 8.4 beta process to play out.

Apple will likely release at least one more iOS 8.4 beta. That beta will likely improve on the iOS 8.4 beta 2 with fixes and enhancements but it will almost certainly bring some problems of its own. That’s why it’s called iOS 8.4 “beta.”

There Are Some Reasons to Avoid the iOS 8.4 Beta

We’ve put together a list of reasons why you’ll want to avoid the public iOS 8.4 beta and most of you are going to fall into one of these categories. Read this before you decide to install the iOS 8.4 beta on your devices.

If You Aren’t in the Beta Program but Want Feedback…

We realize that a lot of you are interested in iOS 8.4. We also realize that installing the iOS 8.4 beta is a risky proposition, particularly if you only own one iPhone or iPad. iOS 8.4 is a small update and its only major feature are the changes coming to the music application. It doesn’t have the appeal of an update like an iOS 9 beta. That said, we know that there are those of you who want to keep tabs on the update.

iOS 8.4 Release Date

It’s not clear how long the update will stay in the beta programs. Apple’s public iOS 8.4 release date remains out of reach though with the arrival of the iOS 8.4 beta 2, we know that the update is moving closer.

Apple’s iOS 8.4 release date has been rumored for the summer which means that we could see a few more beta updates for both developers and the public. This means that those of you in the developer program that haven’t installed the beta software have the option to wait for a more stable version of iOS 8.4 beta to arrive. Nothing is imminent.

We typically see Apple put a two week gap between its beta releases so if Apple is planning to push a third beta, we could see it land sometime in May.

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Should You Update to iOS 8.3 and Lose Your Jailbreak?

by Craig Lloyd - f your iPhone is jailbroken, then you’re running an older version of iOS 8, but is it worth updating to iOS 8.3 and losing your jailbreak in the process?

The latest version of iOS that’s jailbreakable is iOS 8.1.2, which is already outdated by iOS 8.1.3, iOS 8.2, and now iOS 8.3. Since then, many performance improvements, bug fixes and new features have been added to iOS 8, which may tempt some jailbreakers to jump ship and update to the latest version of iOS, knowing that they will lose their jailbreak.

However, one question you should ask yourself is if it’s really worth upgrading to iOS 8.3 if it means that you’ll lose your jailbreak. iOS 8.3 comes with some new emoji, wireless CarPlay support and a wealth of security fixes and performance improvements. Some users will enjoy these new changes and improvements can be nothing but good, but the enjoyment of a jailbroken iPhone can sometimes outweigh the new features in a new iOS update.

If this is a question that you’ve been asking yourself lately, you’re not alone. Of course, it’s a question that you’ll ultimately have to answer yourself based on how much you use your installed jailbreak tweaks and how much you’d get out of the new features in iOS 8.3, but the general consensus from jailbreakers is that you’ll most like miss your jailbreak if you update your iPhone.

One Reddit user says that you should “definitely wait. I’m on 8.3 and really really regret upgrading. Battery life is better but you’ll miss your jailbreak more.”

However, other jailbreakers are saying that updating to iOS 8.3 and losing your jailbreak provides a much more stable iOS experience and better battery life overall:

I decided to upgrade my jailbroken IPhone 6 Plus, and I do miss my tweaks, but the amount of fixes and optimization Apple put in the change log was enough to make me upgrade. 8.3 is much more fluid and stable with less bugs and better battery life.”

And while some users hated losing their jailbreaks, updating to iOS 8.3 was really the best choice in the end:

Upgrading to 8.3 sucked [...] but, my WiFi is back to where I would expect it to be on 8.3, and my battery life (already pretty great on the 6+) is unreal.”

So it seems that if you want better battery life and more stable iOS experience on your iPhone, it might be a good idea to update to iOS 8.3 and lose your jailbreak, but if you just can’t tear yourself away from the grasp of Cydia, then it might be a good idea to stay put where you are.

If you do decide to update to iOS 8.3, it’s really easy to unjailbreak and update to the latest version. All it requires is some time and patience, so here’s how to unjailbreak your iPhone.

First off, plug your iPhone into your computer and open up iTunes. Then click on the iPhone icon toward the upper-left corner of the window and click on Restore iPhone. You’ll need to disable Find My iPhone in order to do this, so just simply open up the Settings app on your iPhone and tap on iCloud. From there, toggle off Find My iPhone and enter in your Apple ID password to confirm.

After you click on Restore iPhone, you’ll be taken through the process of updating your iPhone to the latest version of iOS. It will take a bit of time to download the update and install it, so this is where you can lean back and wait for the update to download. After the update is complete, you’ll be asked if you want to set up your iPhone as a new iPhone or restore from a backup. Be sure to back up your iPhone before you do all of this, that way you can restore from a backup when you get to this screen. After that you’ll be good to go.

iBattz Refuel Invictus iPhone 6 Battery Case Review By Craig Lloyd

With the huge number of iPhone 6 cases and other iPhone 6 accessories that are on the market, there’s one company that doesn’t want to be left out of the competition. iBattz has a new iPhone 6 battery case available that offers one of the largest batteries that we’ve seen with an iPhone 6 battery case, as well as a unique feature that have yet to see in other iPhone 6 battery cases.

iBattz isn’t the most well-known brand when it comes to iPhone accessories — certainly not on par with Mophie or Incipio, but it has released a 3,200mah battery pack that aims to take these other companies head on with their new battery case. The Refuel Invictus, as it’s called, can essentially double the life of the iPhone 6 and then some, but does the overall case impress?

iPhone battery cases have gained massive popularity over the last couple of years, with Mophie leading most of the way. The truth is, iPhone 6 battery life sucks for most users. Some heavy iPhone users can’t get through an entire day on a reasonable charge, and they can’t get near an outlet to charge it up throughout the day. This is where a battery case can come in handy. It allows users to essentially add double the battery life to the iPhone 6, as long as they’re okay with a thicker and heavier case to go with it.

The Refuel Invictus is reasonably priced at $99, especially since it comes with a generous 3,200mAh battery on the inside, beating out Mophie’s new Juice Pack Air by 450mAh, making iBattz’s battery case a better buy on paper, but we’ll have to dig a bit deeper to see if it’s a battery case worth buying.

However, one of the biggest features of the Refuel Invictus is that it comes with a removable battery, which means that you’re not only limited to how much juice the battery case can provide, but rather how many extra battery modules you can carry on your person.

iBattz sells extra 3,200mAh battery modules for $20 a piece, which isn’t bad if you need even extra battery life while on the go. When the battery in the case gets low, simply just swap it out for a fully-charged module and off you go again.

The Refuel Invictus rocks a matte black finish that isn’t anything amazing, but it’s sleek and simple, which many users will appreciate. Plus, the silver black cover (which you can also get in other colors) looks like a brushed aluminum plate, but it’s actually a soft rubberized plastic that provides some amazing grip so that you don’t accidentally drop your iPhone 6.

The overall matte finish gives the case a quality look and feel, which is something that I can’t say with Mophie’s glossy plastic battery cases, which make them look almost like cheap toys.

The case feels relatively thin in the hand, and it probably only doubles the thickness of most iPhone 6 bumper cases, which isn’t that bad. However, the case comes apart in three pieces instead of two pieces that you see in most other battery cases. You have to take off the back plate, and then remove the top piece. From there, you can slide out the phone from the rest of the case. It’s certainly not that bad, especially if you’re going to install the case and hardly ever remove it.

To turn on the battery case and get it going, all you have to do is press on the small button on the bottom of the case for a couple of seconds to get it to turn on. There’s also a battery indicator LED on the back that provides the status of the battery. It’s certainly not the most useful and informative LED light, but it gets the job done.

One downside is that the cutout for the mute switch makes it extremely difficult to access. Instead, we prefer an extender that makes it easier to toggle the switch, but many battery cases don’t have these to begin with, so it’s not really a huge complaint by any means. The other buttons include extenders, which make them really easy to press down.

As far as performance is concerned, the Refuel Invictus recharged my iPhone 6 from around 5% to 100% in a little over two hours, and it still provided another 25% or so when I went to recharge it again, providing a total of 125% of extra battery, which tops iBattz’s advertised recharge of 120%.

As for charging up the battery itself when it became dead, it took about three-and-a-half hours to charge it from close-to-being-dead state to completely full. That’s a long time, but nothing out of the ordinary. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time if you need to charge it up to 100%.

In the end, the iBattz Refuel Invictus is a unique iPhone 6 battery case that not only offers the usual features, but also has the ability to swap out batteries. The only thing I really don’t like about it is the installation process for putting your iPhone 6 in the case, but that’s really only something you’ll do once and be done with it. Would I recommend it over Mophie’s new Juice Pack cases? It depends on your preferences. For me, the toggle on/off switch on the Mophie cases are more desirable to me, but if you’re looking for a case where you can replace the battery inside, iBattz really has the only option out there. Plus, the 3,200mAh battery is a nice bonus.

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iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 Review By Adam Mills

With iOS 8.2 and iOS 8.3 updates for iPhone and iPad confirmed and an iOS 8.4 release rumored for the future, the iOS 8.1.3 update’s days are numbered. For now though, it rules as Apple’s most current iOS 8 update. We continue to get tons of questions and feedback about the iOS 8.1.3 update and today, we want to take a close look at the iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 update’s performance at the two week mark.

Apple’s has been busy in the weeks after the iOS 8.0 release in September. In the weeks since the iOS 8 update’s roll out, Apple’s pushed out six bug fix updates aimed at squashing lingering iOS 8 problems. The company’s iOS 8.1 update delivered Apple Pay to iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users but these updates have mainly dealt with iOS 8 issues on the iPhone and iPad.

iOS 8 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. At the tail end of last year, the company confirmed an iOS 8.2 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. That update remains unreleased though the iOS 8.2 release date rumors point to an arrival in March. That remains unconfirmed.

Apple’s also confirmed an iOS 8.3 update for arrival. The iOS 8.3 update, which was released into the beta program yesterday, is expected to be released sometime after iOS 8.2 and the Apple Watch. Apple did not tack on a specific release date and with an iOS 8.2 update planned for March, we could be several weeks away from an iOS 8.3 roll out.

The company is also rumored to have an iOS 8.4 update in the works though it, unlike the others, hasn’t been confirmed. It’s not clear if the company will put that update into the beta program at a later date. (We’ve started hearing about iOS 9 though its release is likely far off in the distance.)

While the attention of some iPhone and iPad users has started to shift to these new iOS 8 updates, others are more concerned with the right now, the right now being iOS 8.1.3. iOS 8.1.3 is Apple’s sixth bug fixer and it’s an update that’s been lingering around for two weeks now.

Now that we’re at the two week mark, it felt appropriate to offer some extended comments on the performance of Apple’s current version of iOS 8. Today, we want to take a close look at the iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 update, an update that we’ve been using extensively over the past two weeks. Here’s our iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 review at the two week mark.

iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 Review: Two Weeks Later

When I look at iOS updates, I like to look at five different areas: App performance, battery life, connectivity, bugs, and speed. These, at least to me, are some of the most important features on any iOS device and they are also areas that can change, sometimes drastically, after a minor update like iOS 8.1.3. Here’s how all of those are holding up.


I’ve owned the iPhone 5 for more than two years, I bought it when it first came out, so I have a ton of applications. I don’t use all of them regularly but for the sake of this review, I’ve used as many of them as possible as much as possible.

After two weeks of fiddling around with my various applications, I’ve only run into one noticeable issue with my app collection. Google Chrome is crashing, a lot. Now this isn’t native to the iOS 8.1.3 update or even the iPhone 5 but what I will say is that I’ve noticed an increased in frequency over the past few days. I’ve seen the same thing on the iPhone 6. The crashes seem to happen when I have around 10 or more tabs open though I’ve seen it crash with much less.

This isn’t an iOS 8.1.3 problem I don’t think but it’s still worth pointing out, especially to those of you using Google Chrome on the iPhone 5. (And to you Google, if you’re listening.)

Other than Chrome, my apps are all functioning nicely two weeks after the arrival of iOS 8.1.3. Apps like Asana, Slack, Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Maps, Dark Sky, Gmail, Hangouts, Waze, GrubHub, and more. I obviously haven’t tested every single app on the App Store but I have 70+ apps on the iPhone 5 and only Chrome has given me a headache.

If you are experiencing problems with an application after making the move to iOS 8.1.3, try reinstalling the app. If that doesn’t work, contact the developer. Most developers encourage feedback from users so that they can improve performance. Don’t be shy.

Battery Life

The iPhone 5 is now well over two years old and I’m still getting the same battery life that I was getting a year ago. Two years ago. It’s downright impressive and it’s one of the reasons why I continue to use the iPhone 5 as much as I do. I’m still able to get close to a full day out of the iPhone 5 when using a combination of LTE and Wi-Fi.

Thus far, I haven’t seen too much complaining about iOS 8.1.3 battery drain on the iPhone 5. In fact, I’ve seen a lot of people rave about iOS 8.1.3’s battery life on the aging former flagship.

If you do happen to run into abnormal battery drain, I suggest taking a look at our list of fixes. Usually, one of them will help solve whatever is plaguing the device. Most of the time, it’s third-party applications and not the iOS operating system itself.


I’ve been dealing with some connectivity issues on the iPhone 6 but I haven’t seen any on the iPhone 5. Bluetooth and LTE both remain stable after two weeks with iOS 8.1.3 at the helm. Wi-Fi is also very stable, which is strange, given the issues I’m seeing on the iPhone 6. I use them both on the same routers so I’m not sure what’s up with the iPhone 6.

Bugs & Issues

I’ve been using the iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 update every day for two weeks and I’ve yet to encounter any major problems with Apple’s new update. It’s very solid right now.

That doesn’t mean that iOS 8.1.3 doesn’t have any problems, it just means that I’m not looking in the right places or that I’m blind. There are tons of nooks and crannies and it’s going to be weeks before I can look through them all.

iOS 8.1.3 problems do exist though as I’ve noted, most of them appear to be smaller and isolated. If you have seen issues, you’ll want to be proactive. I suggest taking a look at our list of fixes for common iOS 8 problems to start and then branching out from there.


Speed is the area where I’ve had the most problems on the iPhone 5. After installing iOS 8.1, my experience become miserable, so bad that I almost ditched the phone forever. There was too much slowdown, too much lag, too much jaggedness. It was a horrible feeling, especially after the good run that I had with iOS 8.0, iOS 8.0.1 and iOS 8.0.2.

fter two weeks with the iOS 8.1.3 update, the iPhone 5 still hasn’t returned to iOS 8.0 or iOS 7.1 levels but it’s getting there. Inch by inch, update by update, iOS 8 is getting a little bit faster. iOS 8.1.3 isn’t great, it’s not even good, but it’s certainly much better than iOS 8.1.1 and iOS 8.1. The slowdown isn’t as frequent but there is still a fair amount of lag.

My hope is that iOS 8.2 and iOS 8.3 continue to improve the speed on the iPhone 5 though there’s no way of knowing if that’ll happen or not. I, like many other iPhone 5 users, will just have to wait and see.

Is the iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 Update Worth Installing Now?

The iPhone 5 iOS 8.1.3 update delivers improved performance, at least one my model, and those of you dealing with problems on iOS 8.1.2 or below will probably want to give it a go. It’s stable.