Monday 29 December 2014

Difficulty in Learning English

My difficulty in learning English for this is difficult to understand and comprehend the material specific material his example tenses are always there from High-grade elementary school to college but I sometimes still have not been able to understand and comprehend. besides tenses are quite difficult to understand there again that while reading and listening to strangers talk, because when foreigners speak different tone and intonation with the Indonesian people so if we misspoke or less letters that one could be a different meaning. Example: When And Went while pronouncing the word was almost the same but its meaning is different then than it should know how to correct spelling in speaking English properly. learning English, although sometimes it is difficult and annoying but sometimes it is very useful in the skills that we need so would not want to have to learn English because this language was the main language in the world and always used everywhere. so I have tried to learn English in order to understand and comprehend and have skills in speaking English. Thus my story about the difficulties in learning English ............

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